The Philadelphia Suns began in 1972 with a handful of youths playing basketball in Chinatown. Today our basketball program has evolved into multiple teams of various age groups, skill levels, and gender. All teams emphasize hard work, teamwork, respect, self-control, and integrity.

9-man is a street version of the sport volleyball. The sport originated from Chinese immigrants in the US who played during their free time. The sport was to connect laborers in Chinatown across the United States socially. The 9-man volleyball sport has its own rule set tweaked from the traditional practices. For example, each side of the net consists of nine players instead of the conventional six players.
The sport of 9-man drastically grew within the Chinatown community. What was once street volleyball turned competitive. Teams formed and competed in tournaments against others with the same interest. What was played in the streets of Chinatown grew into parking lots. With the sport's exposure, games are slowly transitioning into convention centers.
The Philadelphia Suns have always been a basketball program and did not participate in volleyball until 2006. A longtime member, Stosh, played in Washington, D.C., for their Chinatown team CYC. It was then that the Suns were introduced to volleyball. The Suns managed to attract the interest of several young Asian American men and eventually formed their very own 9-man volleyball team. The Suns' 9-man volleyball team participates in yearly tournaments, including The North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament (NACVIT).
In 2010, the Suns began hosting their very own Philly mini. These volleyball tournaments are hosted yearly to keep Chinese Americans socially connected through the game and build teamwork skills among members.

A Team Practice Times:
Saturdays 1:00 PM-3:00 PM at the Crane Community Center, 1001 Vine St, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
Tuesdays 8:00 PM-10:00 PM at the Chinese Christian Church + Center, 225 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
B Team Practice Times:
Sundays 6:30 PM-8:00 PM at the Chinese Christian Church + Center, 225 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
Tuesdays 6:30 PM-8:30 PM at the Lloyd Hall, 1 Boathouse Row, Philadelphia, PA 19130.
C Team Practice Times:
Saturdays 10:30 AM-12:00 PM at the Chinese Christian Church + Center, 225 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
Sundays 9:30 PM-11:00 PM at the Chinese Christian Church + Center, 225 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
All Practice starts on 6/8/24.

Practice Times:
Mondays 08:15 PM-10:15 PM at the Crane Community Center, 1001 Vine St, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
Thursdays 09:30 PM-11:00 PM at the Chinese Christian Church + Center, 225 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
Practice starts on 6/8/24.

The Lady Suns Volleyball program was founded in 2006 and consisted of seven players who made their first debut at the New York Mini National Tournament that season. The team participated in their first North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament (NACIVT) in 2008, and by 2011 in Montreal, Canada, we placed in the Silver Bracket. The Lady Suns managed to attract the interest of several young Asian American women, and by 2012, the team had accrued 50 members.
Our weekly practices occur at the Chinese Christian Church and Center in Chinatown, Philadelphia. We participate in three Mini tournaments in Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and New York City. However, the main event is the NACIVT which is hosted by a different city every year.
The Lady Suns Volleyball program strives to build technical and strategic skills in our novice and advanced players alike and friendship through team bonding events.
The Suns' Development Program is open to those wishing to further develop their basketball skills outside their age group's weekly practice. The practices will focus on various drills to improve players' skill levels.
Suns Development Volleyball Program (All Ages)
Practice Times:
Saturdays 9:00 AM-10:30 AM at the Chinese Christian Church + Center, 225 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
Practice starts on 6/8/24.

Timmothy Mak

LSV A Team
Leo Lin

LSV C Team Asst. Coach
Sidney Peou

LSV A Team Asst. Coach
Sarah Chan

LSV Alumni Team
Dominik Szpyrka

LSV B Team
Derek Chan

LSV Alumni Team Ass. Coach
Michael Wong

LSV B Team Asst. Coach
Ping Lee

LSV Developmental Team
Sarah Rivera

LSV C Team
Xiaoxi Yang

LSV Developmental Team Asst. Coach
Farrah Suprijanto

LSV C Team Asst. Coach

If you would like more information or have questions regarding our volleyball program, please get in touch with us at volleyball@phillysuns.org.